Tuesday, September 4, 2007

the executive summary

An executive summary previews the main points of an in-depth report; it is written for nontechnical people who don't have time to read the main report.

2-3 pages max. in English to hand back at the end of each case study, to your team leader.


  1. General introduction about the case study and your mission
  2. List the main points the summary will cover in the same order they appear in the main report
  3. Write a simple declarative sentence for each of the main points.
  4. Add supporting or explanatory sentences as needed, avoiding unnecessary technical material and jargon.
  5. Read the summary slowly and critically, making sure it conveys your purpose, message and key recommendations. You want readers to be able to skim the summary without missing the point of the main report.
  6. Check for errors of style, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Ask a fellow writer to proofread and edit the document.
  7. Ensure that the major ideas are covered succinctly.

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