Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What is Mass Customisation?

Mass Customisation is the customization and personalization of products and services for individual customers at a mass production price.
The concept was first conceived by Stan Davis in Future Perfect. It was then further developed by Joseph Pine in his book Mass Customization - The New Frontier in Business Competition .

Michael Dell is widely acknowledged as the person who started the "build-to-order" and "mass customization" craze. Where IBM et al were selling just one kind of a computer, Dell comes from no where and allows people to customize their own computers according to their own needs. And mass customization led to the stellar success of Dell computers. But mass customization was not planned by Michael. Like most innovations, it was born out of necessity.

read more: http://www.biztactics.com/blog/2005/01/mass-customization.php

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